Family with Jesus in the sand behind them.
My story

About The Santos Studio

"If money wasn't an issue, what would you do?”

Fin's artistic journey began when her pastor asked that one simple question. Little did she realize the profound impact this would have on her life.

About the Artist

Before she could even form a thought or think about the question the word ‘painting’ popped into her head. When her husband turned to ask for her response, all she could say was, “I don’t know.”

Despite her mother's artistic endeavors and her own appreciation for the craft, the notion of becoming an artist had never crossed her mind.

Fin never envisioned herself having the talent or inclination for such a pursuit.

Driven by a desire for therapeutic release and the need for a hobby—something she had never truly embraced before—she decided to give painting a chance. Amidst the toughest period of her life, creating art became a means for her to focus on what matters most in life, Jesus.

The initial thought of painting for therapeutic purposes quickly evolved into an all-encompassing passion.

As her newfound love for painting grew, doors began to open, and opportunities presented themselves.

A close friend invited her to participate in a holiday market, and although she applied with a hint of skepticism, she was approved. With just three weeks to prepare, she bought a tent, card reader, tables, and supplies.

Against the odds, the market proved to be a huge success.

That experience ignited a fire within her, a realization that this artistic journey was divinely orchestrated. God's plan and path for her began to unfold, so she embraced it wholeheartedly.

Creating Christian artwork and writing Christian books has become her life purpose—offering people an everlasting reminder of the Truth, the Light, and the Way.